Covid-19 Is The Most Pressing Issue Right Now. Because Of Their Lowered Immunity, The Elderly Are More Susceptible To Contracting Covid. They Can Keep Themselves Safe By Residing In A Secure Location. Ensures That The Elderly Don’t Have To Worry About Contracting Covid. Elderly Residents Of A Gurgaon-Based Luxury Old Age Home Can Benefit From Two Separate Covid Treatment Programmes. The Covisafe Package Is Specifically Designed To Assist The Elderly In Coping With This Crisis. ‘ Elders Can Keep Covid At Bay With The Help Of 24-Hour Medical Care And Assisted Living Services. To Ensure That There Is No Covid Infection, A 300-Point Covid Protocol Is Followed.

This Package’s Most Notable Features Include-
- Dr. Availability On A Daily Basis
- Vitals Checks Are Performed On A Daily Basis.
- Clinical Care Is Available Around The Clock.
- Emergency Services Are Available At Any Time.
- Meals That Boost The Body’s Natural Defences
- Regular Sessions Of Yoga And Breathing
- For Both Mental And Physical Well-Being, Engage In Daily Holistic Activities.
- Laundry For Oneself
- Gym For The Elderly
- In-House Treadmill
- Seenagers Club Membership
- Garden On The Terrace
- Yoga Mats Are Available For Use In This Area..
- Common/Private Dining Room
Additional Services For The Benefit Of Senior Citizens Is Also Available. Covid’s Long-Term Effects Vary Greatly Among Elderly Patients, So Specialised Care Programmes Have Been Devised To Ensure Their Physical And Mental Well-Being, Resulting In A Rapid Recovery. When An Elderly Person Defeats Covid, Their Physical And Mental Health Suffer Greatly, And It Can Take Weeks For Them To Return To Their Pre-Infected State. A Recovery Package That Includes A Health Restoration Plan And A Wellbeing Restoration Plan Was Thus Created.
Many people have an elderly parent living in an old-age home. Is it, however, desirable? A large majority of people over the age of sixty find it difficult to accept the idea of living in an old age home. It is important to us as their children that they are able to return to the place where they feel most at home – their own homes. However, this is the digital era. In many cases, elderly parents are left to fend for themselves while their children travel the world. Putting an elderly parent in an old-age home is the next logical step. An old age home may not be the best option for everyone, but there is nothing fundamentally wrong with it.
People often lose their motor skills as they grow older. It becomes increasingly difficult to carry out routine tasks. In a retirement community, the residents’ association assists with daily tasks. Having a full-time caregiver to assist with housework is an option as an alternative.
Doctors and other emergency services are readily available round-the-clock in old age homes because they cater to the specific needs of the elderly. It is also recommended that the elderly accompany their caregivers to appointments with doctors and to the chamber. It’s a good idea to have a person who can handle hospitalisation in the event of an emergency.
For the elderly, safety is a major concern. They are protected from intruders thanks to the constant security provided by an old age home.
Companionship is one of the perks of living in an old age home that appeals to the elderly. They spend most of their time with people of the same age. Stress and depression can set in when parents are forced to live on their own when their children are away from home. Feelings of abandonment may arise while living in an old age home. Another problem is loneliness. Ideally, this void should be filled by a friend or family member at home. People who have lost their spouses need companionship the most.